© 2016 Oldfield School | Kelston Road, Bath BA1 9AB | Tel: 01225 423582 | enquiries@oldfieldschool.com

1. What policy is used to admit children to the school?

The Admissions Policy is published each year by the school following consultation with the Local Authority and Community.

2. What is your catchment area?

There is no specified catchment area, our Admissions Criteria states: Those children who live nearest to the school, as measured in a direct line between the home address and preferred school.

3. How does my child get a year 7 place at the school?

At the start of Year 6, you will be sent a letter about the secondary transfer process and about how to apply for a secondary school place. You apply to your local authority by the closing date of 31 October, for a school place the next year.

4. When will I hear if my child has got a place?

On 2 March an offer of a school place is made to parents/carers who have applied by the closing date.

By mid March, parents/carers must accept or reject the offer made by the Local Authority.

5. What if my child is not offered a place in the first round of allocations on 2 March?

Although you may not be allocated a place at this point in the process, this does not mean that a place may not be allocated at a later date; there can be quite a lot of movement during the successive allocation rounds.

Parents/carers are asked to reply to B&NES Admissions and Transport to accept or reject the offer of a school made by mid-March.  Some may turn down the offer of a place here in favour of an alternative school. This can result in more places at the school potentially becoming available.  These places will be offered in the second round of allocations.  A second round of offer letters is sent out by B&NES Admissions and Transport in the first week of May.

6. How are places at the school allocated?

According to the admissions criteria which are published on our school website.

7. Do I need to submit a supplementary application form direct to the school?

No other form is required.

8. How many students were admitted into Year 7 in 2024?