
© 2016 Oldfield School | Kelston Road, Bath BA1 9AB | Tel: 01225 423582 |

Bus Transport

First Bus services to Oldfield School

The timetables for these services and ticketing arrangements are available on the First Bus website. First Bus have advised that while daily tickets are available to purchase on the bus, they would prefer parents to buy weekly or monthly tickets as large numbers of children purchasing tickets as they board will cause delays to the service. The great majority of students use the e-ticketing arrangements using the First Bus app and this works well for parents;  however, you can buy hard-copy tickets directly from First bus for delivery to your home address or via the School Office. These tickets can also be used on other First Bus routes for the relevant Zone(s).

If you have any questions about the bus services then please contact First Bus or visit their website rather than contact the school; we are is not responsible for these services therefore we will not be able to answer your enquiries.

Newbridge Park and Stride

BANES have negotiated use of part of the Newbridge Park and Ride to allow parents to drop off and pick up their children until the end of this school year.  The purpose of this initiative is to reduce traffic and congestion outside the school site on Kelston Road and Newbridge Hill Road, encourage students to walk part of their way to school and to improve air quality outside the school.

See below for a map showing how this will work and the area of the park and ride that can be used by parents. Parents using this must park in parking bays using vacant parking spaces, rather than dropping off in the one-way system to minimise impact on the park and ride bus service.  Footpaths are located around the perimeter of the car park  and link up with the footpath to Kelston Road. The footpath has been improved by Bath Ramblers through improving drainage along the path and adding new steps.  Please be aware that the path can be muddy in wet weather.  Students are then able to cross Kelston Road via the pedestrian crossing.

We would encourage you to make use of this facility as I am sure that you are aware of the issues caused by congestion outside the school at the end of the school day in particular and any measures to improve the situation should be welcomed.

Oldfield School Park and Stride Map

Oldfield Park and Stride Report