Coronavirus Guidance

© 2016 Oldfield School | Kelston Road, Bath BA1 9AB | Tel: 01225 423582 |

Please find below a guide on contact tracing, in effect from 19th July 2021;

Contact tracing July 19th 2021

Covid Risk Assessments

Oldfield School COVID RA 3.1

Testing Risk Assessment 1.0

Bath and North East Somerset guidance

Please find below some information on COVID-19 for parents and carers from BANES

COVID-19 – key messages and important information for parents and carers

BANES Big Database

The Local Authority would like to draw your attention to the BathNES 1 Big Database which now has dedicated support pages to help parents and young people during these challenging times. On their dedicated Coronavirus page found at you will find activities and resources for parents to help you support young children whilst they are home from school. They also have a section providing information and resources for children with SEND, some of these have been provided by the Autism Service at Fosse Way School. There is also a page dedicated to providing emotional and mental health support to adults/parents/carers.

The Database has also dedicated a page to providing information and support to older young people; which can be found here;

Coronavirus Lock Down Resources

You can also find useful information and resources through the following local authority social media links and websites below;Ā