
© 2016 Oldfield School | Kelston Road, Bath BA1 9AB | Tel: 01225 423582 |

The Humanities Learning Area is based on the main school site in a variety of locations. The faculty includes the following disciplines: Geography, History, Religious Studies, Sociology, Psychology, Child Development and British Values.

This diverse curriculum is delivered by eleven dedicated staff, all subject specialists in their own field. We share a belief that the Humanities enrich the lives of all learners by enabling them to make sense of their experience of the world (morally, ethically, intellectually and spiritually). They also develop a capacity to critically reflect on and question relationships between ourselves and ‘others’ in our complex, shifting world (past and present). In addition the Humanities help empower individuals to become participatory citizens by understanding received wisdoms and challenging them from a number of informed perspectives. The subject specialisms within the Humanities utilise high-level transferable skills (research, analysis, critical reflection and communications). Whether a student goes to university or not and whatever their occupation, these skills are crucial to employers in a rapidly changing world.

These are exciting times for the Humanities Learning Area at Oldfield. Academy status frees departments from the restrictions of the National Curriculum and offers the chance to plan an exciting Key Stage 3 curriculum for student in Years 7 to 9. At Key Stage 4 and 5 many students are opting to study Humanities courses and they are some of the most popular options.

 Teaching and support staff

Mrs S Lewis Acting Leader of Learning: Humanities
Ms G Adams Geography Teacher
Ms E Battell   History Teacher
Ms P Bird Head of Year 10. Religious Studies Teacher
Miss A Davies Head of Year 7.  Geography and Psychology Teacher
Mrs S Mills  Assistant Headteacher; Inclusion. History Teacher
Mr D Moore Head of History
Mr M Peacock Geography Teacher
Mr A Russell  History Teacher
Mr P Santarpino Acting Head of Geography
Miss M Tatnell Religious Studies Teacher
Miss S Wood History Teacher