School policies & reports

Below are links to some of the school policy documents. Our school policies aim to provide staff, students, parents and guardians with clear information about the organisation and ethos of Oldfield School and the standards of behaviour expected by all members of its community. These policies enable us to work together to do the best by those in our care.

If you would like a hard copy of any of these policies or documents, please email

Academy Financial Regulations Policy 2023 FA

Acceptable Use Policy for Staff and Volunteers June 2020

Acceptable Use Policy for Students June 2020

Accessibility Policy 2024 F&A

Admissions Policy 2022-2023

Admissions Policy 2023-2024

Admissions Policy 2024 FGB

Anti-bullying Policy 2023 PSW_

Attendance (students) Policy SLT 2022

Behaviour for Learning Policy 2022

Bring Your Own Device Policy SLT 2023

Bullying and Harassment Policy 2022

CEIAG Work Related Learning Policy 2022

CCTV Policy 2023 SLT

Charging Remissions Policy 2022 F&A

Code of Conduct for Staff 2023 PSW

Complaints Policy 2022 FGB

Conflict of Interests FGB 2023_

Curriculum Policy 2021

Data Protection and Information Security Sept 2022

Data Protection Breach Policy 2020

Disposal of Records Schedule F&A June 2023

Drugs Policy 2022 


Examinations- Emergency Evacuation Policy


Examination Policy 2023 SLT

Feedback Policy 2022_

Freedom of Information Policy 2021 CC

Health and Safety Policy 2023

Home School Links policy 2023 _

Homework Policy 2022

ICT and internet acceptable use Policy 2022

Investment Policy 2022

Medical Conditions Policy 2022

More Able Policy 2022 SLT

Mobile Phone Policy 2022

Non-Examination Assessment Policy

Online Safety Policy 2021

Privacy Notice Staff and Volunteers 2023-2024

Privacy Notice Job Applicants 2023-2024

Privacy Notice Students 2023 – 2024

Public Examinations Escalation Process

Pupil Premium Policy 2021 CC

Religious Education and Collective Worship Policy 2022

Retirement Policy 2023 PSW

Risk Management Policy 2022 FA

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 2023-24

Annex to Child Protection Policy – Covid 19

Safer Recruitment Policy PSW 2022

School Security Policy 2021

Sex and Relationship Education Policy 2022

Special Educational Needs and disabilities policy September 22

Single Equality Scheme 2022 PSW_

Teaching and Learning Policy CC 2022_

Whistleblowing 2022 PSW